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I’m not really sure what it is about Cape Town that sometimes makes me feel like a tourist… Perhaps it’s all the foreign accents, or the street corner delis and restaurants, but I am most certainly sure that it is people’s keen sense of fashion.

One of my favourite boutiques in town is Eve Emporium. Some time ago I was looking for something unique and fresh, when I stumbled upon this gem on the upper side of Long Street. What I found most interesting was their selection of men's fashion and the way it challenges the conventional way we think about male garment.

Needless to say, I bought something out of the ordinary, and while at the time I even thought it was a tad experimental, the all-in-one became a thing.

All-in-one??? I am talking about male jumpsuits and boilersuit. It’s not just recently that big names like Givenchy, Levi’s and Vogue started steering urban couture in a more utilitarian direction for men, but even local, mass produced brands, like Cotton On started picking up on the trend with their dungarees.[]=male%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=jumpsuits%7Ctyped

I must admit, that even though I love my jumpsuit, I understand why it might be a little unconventional for the average Joe. This is exactly why the concept of rompers was created… first change the name and then the connotation. Most labels now brand these items as something more masculine, like overalls or boilersuits – associated with environments that are typically more manly like workshops and aeroplane hangers.

EVE Highlights: Mandarin collar. Pocket detail. Flow and uniformity.

Photo credits: Jeanne Scholts

Be that as it may, I love how Eve has taken an international drift, and made it applicable to the Cape Town context. With the help of photographer and friend, Jeanné Scholtz, we took the time to photograph some of their items, and I just couldn’t get myself to choose a favourite. What stood out for me was the bold use of pattern, the accentuated collar and tailored cut. The reason this clothing is so appealing to me is that you can wear it to a beach party or smart-casual event and still look amazing.

EVE Highlights: Fine pattern. Waist accentuation with leather belt. Height above knee.

Photo credits: Jeanne Scholts

EVE Highlights: Active wear concept. Soft fabric. Comfort.

Photo credits: Jeanne Scholts

EVE Highlights: Structured collar. Tailored cut. Transparent buttons.

Photo credits: Jeanne Scholts

Editing: Jan de Wet

How do you make sure that your clothes are keeping up with international trends, yet stay contextually responsive?

"There is fine line between what's hot and what needs to sell. Trends are amazing however if the response isn't good it could be detrimental, you must adapt and move on fast. Staple items become your bread and butter and those items you focus on. Trends come and go and are very short lived. We love seeing what is out there and social media is great to give insight into whats happening in the world." - EVE

Have Cape Town men responded to the introduction of gender fluid fashion?

"Defs! We are confident in our product and our team sit down for countless meetings to discuss our new collections, nothing is random in our store offering, rather well thought out to suit our target market. not only has Cape Town responded but we get orders from all over the world." - EVE

When you seek inspiration for a new design, into what resource do you tap into?

"Fabric speaks to us! We have been in this industry for a long time so when you see a new print you just now what to make, call it instinct. We are lucky as we can push the boundaries a bit and our clients like that too." - EVE

How do you detail something like a jumpsuit, which is very homogeneous and continuous in nature?

"Its all about comfort. Jumpsuits were major in the 70's and have a "uniform" appeal to them which is a little sexy, daring and modern.We are aware that is not everybody's cup of tea but that is why our clients love it, to stand out and be different." - EVE

Tips on how to wear an all-in-one?

Go wild! Its easy to dress up or down and can be worn anywhere and everywhere plus everybody should own one, live a little! - EVE

A special thanks to team Eve and designer Kurt Botha, who has been incredible in helping me put this post together.

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