The coarse grains of sand moved under his feet as he walked down the timber boardwalk. Rays in shades of pink and yellow washed the city off his face as he sat on the rocks staring into the distance.
The air was warmer than he remembered and the rhythm of the waves calmer.
Had it changed?
He would come back every night for the rest of that Spring, submerge his pale, bare body in the cool ocean water and wait for his old friend to return.

South African Menswear Week Spring Summer 2019, has like always, delivered an eclectic and all-embracing variety of work. Hosted at The Lookout in the V&A Waterfront, designers, artists, bloggers and fashion lovers from all over the country gathered to create an event that sits on top of the male fashion calendar.
We had been invited by our friends at ALC-Man to attend their show and talk more about their new collection.
"Our summer collection presents a surreal and playful picture of our feelings when near the ocean. The range balances accessible and avant-garde pieces. Some garments are disproportionate, familiar but set in an unfamiliar way. Colourful and bright sunset tones are pared down with natural tones of the sand and the sky.
There is a textural overload from base cloth to print to finishes. We wanted some of the garments to represent the process of making clothes, as seen in the rough and raw finishes; as if the garment is still being realised. The styling is a hybrid mix of sport utility with nostalgic references, rooted in South African culture, fused with a Japanese aesthetic." - ALC MAN

What we enjoyed particularly about their Spring-Summer collection is the balance between the idiosyncrasies that make them recognizable as brand and introduction of new elements.
Why we love this collection:
1. Layering of fabrics and prints

2. Combination of textures

3. Neutral base palette with fresh summer accents

4. Kimono's, boiler-suits and elongated shapes

5. Favourite piece

We would like to thank the ALC-Man team for always including us on their journey. It's inspiring to see this brand standing its ground among other respected designers and still keeping true to their identity and flair.
All images by Simon Deiner and provided by ALC-Man.
Visit them on online at:
Facebook: ALC.Menswear
Instagram: @alc_man
Pinterest: Amanda Laird Cherry Apparel
YouTube: Amanda Laird Cherry Apparel